Information for your business

We have the ideal solution for your type of business, both for your employees and for your customers:

The super automatic machines for espresso coffee go well in environments of up to 30 people. They are versatile and small equipment, easy to handle and that delivers your espresso at the touch of a button. Ideal for all types of businesses where there is a reception, waiting room, cafeteria or any place where you can take a break for a good cup of coffee. It also has a hot water point for preparing ready-made teas or cappuccinos.

The multibebida machines are equipment that, in addition to offering espresso coffee, also offer creamy drinks such as: Cappuccinos, moccacinos, coffee with milk, chocolate milk, milk, teas, etc. adding a wider range of beverages to your establishment. They are machines that are a little larger than the super automatic machines and most of the time require a specific water point to work. It also has options with or without a billing system, which can be by tokens, coins or credit and debit cards. They meet a demand of up to 70 people or more and can be installed in restaurants, convenience stores, bakeries, production lines, different stores, or any place with a waiting room or reception.

The professional machines, on the other hand, are focused on environments where you mainly want to steam the milk to prepare cappuccinos, drip coffee, macchiatos, works in Latte Art and a huge range of possibilities that are possible with the use of this type of equipment. They need a separate electronic grinder to prepare the grinding of the beans for espresso coffee and their installation requires a water point, sewage and specific outlets. It is essential to handle it by a trained professional who is commonly called a barista to operate this type of machine.

We also have machines for preparing filtered coffee, a way to automate the traditional strained coffee, thus eliminating the use of thermoses, stoves, kettles, hot water, in short, have your filtered coffee always fresh, eliminating several steps that traditional preparation requires. This equipment is aimed at high demand and works well in bakeries, convenience stores, restaurants and all kinds of environments where it is necessary to serve this type of beverage in large volumes with the least amount of work possible.

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